Dissociative Identity Disorder, Ritual Abuse, and Mind Control: An Introduction

Dissociative Identity Disorder, Satanic Ritual Abuse, and Mind Control

What if you have, think you have, or have heard of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). You’re in the right place! We’re at the start of an exciting NEW JOURNEY! Even if you don’t have DID, in this blog there are great opportunities for learning and participating. DID is not a life sentence. As we journey, we’ll learn what it take to be set free.

The first thing to note if you’re new to this site is the information tabs on the header. There you will find easy to understand information about Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), ritual abuse and Satanic ritual abuse (RA/SRA), government mind control (MC), and some general information about the author and this site. There is also a Lexicon of terms that might not be familiar to you. Some of this material is repeated below. I highly recommend that you review this material before continuing in this blog.

In this first blog you’ll find the following topics:

Who should be here and will it be safe?

I’m really new to the concept of DID, satanic ritual abuse (SRA), government mind control (MC) and the like. Where can I get information?

I’ve been struggling with what I think is DID for decades. I can’t find anybody to help me. What should I do?

What do you mean by “set free”? Isn’t this about healing? Isn’t this all about getting parts to come together?

How can I participate? Can I talk to you privately?


Who should be here and will it be safe?

My story of DID/SRA/MC is but one of millions. It’s time we dialogue, compare notes, and even face those who disagree or are perpetrators. When governments systematically and covertly participate in atrocities, there is little hope that law enforcement will end these crimes. However, information, cooperation, and being willing to take a stand may help a few – to escape, to remember, to seek refuge and healing, and to give a helping hand to others.

This is not about me/us telling my/our story, although some of that will be used for illustration. However, I welcome those who have never had the opportunity to share their story to consider doing that at some point here. Many are victim/ perpetrators. It’s a very difficult realization. While those who are involved know the complexity of this problem, I want to treat this gently. For one thing, I hope to censor anyone who might for whatever reason confess to a crime on this site. Here we’re all about healing and education, not about having outside “forces” spying on whoever might come here for help and comfort. As much as I plan to encourage dialogue, I also urge wisdom as to where you post, how you post, and who may have identifiers to your post, especially if you’re not physically free of your situation.

Anytime there are discussions about DID/SRA/MC, there are bound to be aspects of information, story, art, and truth that are disturbing. For the sake of those who are early in their journey to freedom, I hope to provide WARNINGS that content might be triggering. It’s always a balance. But healing involves risk taking, strength of will, and a tremendous amount of courage. I want to honor and protect that in all who participate in these discussions.


I’m really new to the concept of DID, SRA, government mind control and the like.

Where can I get information?

Dissociative Identity Disorder:

DID (formerly Multiple Personality Disorder) is a specific diagnosis along a spectrum of dissociative disorders. To us Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) makes more sense when talking about what is happening within a person. Briefly there must be a minimum of 2 identities/personalities who can repeatedly take executive control of the body. In most cases of DID there are a number of identities. In the extreme there are hundreds to thousands of identities, many of whom are just fragments who contain one specific memory (Polyfragmented DID). We’ll be talking about some of the signs and symptoms of DID in future blogs. Here are some websites that provide good information:

http://www.isst-d.org The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation is a great resource in itself, and in addition there are many other secondary resources on their website. Here you can find the basic scientific and clinical information about dissociative disorders of all kinds.

http://www.healthyplace.com/blogs/dissociativeliving/ Healthy Place is a general mental health website with blogs related to various disorders. The DID blog has a number of discussions that are particularly helpful for those just beginning to gather information. For the large number of people out there who do not believe in DID or who are unsure, the resources there should be quite valuable. Millions of people all around the globe have DID. For them the reality of the disorder isn’t theoretical. It’s at best difficult and at worst a living hell. A quick web search reveals a plethora of self-help groups and diagnostic information for these victims. To them I give my sincere empathy and encouragement that help can be found, and life can get better. That’s primarily why we’re here.

http://traumadissociation.com/dissociativeidentitydisorder This is a good overview of the history, diagnostic criteria, and general treatment options available for DID.

Non-Ritual Abuse DID:

Before I move onto ritual abuse (RA), let me acknowledge that many people with DID did NOT experience RA or SRA. Their pain and situation is just as real and difficult as those who did. DID is the consequence of severe, unremitting pain, conflicts of choice, and even torture before the age of eight. Many come from extremely dysfunctional families. Some experienced abuse in the form of neglect or abandonment  and/or purposeful injury emotionally, physically, psychologically or sexually. Those in this situation are very welcome here to share, to learn, and to find and give support.

Ritual Abuse/Satanic Ritual Abuse:

Once one moves on to ritual abuse (RA), and especially satanic ritual abuse (SRA), or mind control (MC) the available information and treatment options become quite limited. Ritual abuse is basically physical, emotional, psychological and/or sexual abuse in the context of religious or political purposes. Information on the facts of it are available a number of places. For example: http://www.ra-info.org

Information on the treatment for it is a lot less available. Let’s look at the official clinical discussion of this. The revised guidelines for treatment of adult patients with DID have but this to say about SRA/MC: (emphasis by this author)

“There is a divergence of opinion in the field concerning the origins of patients’ reports of seemingly bizarre abuse experiences such as involvement in occultist or satanic “ritual” abuse and covert government sponsored mind control experiments. There are clinicians who believe that some patients’ reports of such occurrences may be rooted in actual sadistic events of organized abuse experienced by these patients in childhood, whereas other clinicians believe that patients’ actual experiences of extremely sadistic events in childhood may be misremembered. These latter clinicians hypothesize that the actual events are distorted or amplified because of the patient’s age and traumatized state at the time of the abuse and sometimes because of deliberate attempts by the perpetrators of abuse to deceive, intimidate, or overwhelm the patient. Still other clinicians believe that alternative explanations—such as contagion, unconscious defensive elaborations, pseudomemories, delusion, or deliberate confabulation—may explain these patients’ reports. Clinicians who automatically regard all such patient reports as historically true or historically false may diminish the likelihood of the patient’s own exploration of such memories. As patients become more integrated, they may become more able to clarify for themselves the relative accuracy of their memories.” Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 12:169, 2011.

Really????? Our experience has been that very few secular or Christian clinicians comprehend or are knowledgeable at all about SRA/MC. Sometime during the treatment of DID, memories of horrific events related to RA or MC may be uncovered. In many cases the accuracy of such events is impossible to believe, unless the clinician has been involved in helping many victims or has been specifically educated on this phenomenon. The science of therapy, such as it is, does not allow the supernatural to be active in the past, present, or future. Knowledge or comprehension of the facts and motives of various evil groups who produce DID in their victims is severely lacking in the therapy world. Among Christian counselors there may be more of an inclination to believe in such things, but there is little or no training on how to deal with it.

However, information and help are available. Individuals have dedicated their lives and careers to sorting all of this out. THERE IS HELP. THERE IS HOPE. Discussing many of the healing options out there will be the content of future posts.

Mind Control:

If you understand that most clinicians don’t believe in SRA, it’s even harder to find anyone who believes or understands anything about government mind control. Those who talk about those things are immediately classified as conspiracy theorists. That’s a fine way to summarily dismiss the topic and those who believe it, but actually even the U.S. Congress has had hearings on it. The CIA and other agencies have admitted to mind control experiments. And there is lots of evidence that it continues to this day. Because of this blindness on the part of the public, those who eventually do get help go to the relatively few people who comprehend it. By now these few therapists may have dealt with hundreds to thousands of patients to one extent or the other. Obviously, we’ll talk more about this in future blogs. Remember, if you’re hearing about this for the first time, keep an open mind. To get you started you might check out these references: http://www.wanttoknow.info/mindcontrolhttp://www.outpost-of-freedom.com/operatio.htm (Warning: Triggering Material)


I’ve been struggling with what I think is DID for decades.

I can’t find anybody to help me. What should I do?

Well, clearly this blog is not a substitute for a well-trained therapist. What you will find here are some options to think about regarding therapy. However, if you’re in a crisis situation, you might find some help here: http://www.net-burst.net/counselor-therapist/emergency-help.htm.  If you’re truly in an immediate crisis in the U.S. call 911 or an emergency mental health helpline. In future posts I’ll talk about some of the ways DID is diagnosed and treated. In addition, I, and I hope many of you, will share testimonies of what has helped and what has not helped in the journey. No one can do this alone. No one. We need each other. We need outside support systems, be that individuals in our life that we trust, or web-based support groups. I’ve participated in various support groups for years, and I learned a lot that was directly helpful to my healing along the way. I highly recommend that you find SAFE support. There are some support groups available via the web. If you’re in a dangerous situation, the first priority is to get to a safe place before you even think of finding more help. Then I’ll be here. I hope many others will be here. We can journey together.


What do you mean by “set free”? Isn’t this about healing?

Isn’t this all about getting identities to come together?

The standard therapeutic strategies generally involve establishing a safe, therapeutic relationship with whomever is presenting, working toward identifying the various identities, working through the memories to the extent the identities have the capacity, and finally many have as a goal that all the identities eventually recombine in some way. The term for that is integration. Now lots of folks with DID never get to full integration, nor is that a goal for them. In fact, many DID systems are triggered by just the word. But many clinicians view that as a goal. The author maintains that while all of this is helpful toward healing and fully supports traditional healing techniques, it doesn’t take care of some aspects of healing. More than the mind and emotions need healing.

I am well aware that many survivors are of the opinion that all religions are evil. Given that many with DID suffered from ritual abuse (RA) or satanic ritual abuse (SRA), even the thought of dealing with anything in the supernatural is abhorrent. Often the supernatural is denied, hated, or condemned. While many believe that all religions are false, it’s pretty hard to have the facts and believe that nothing is supernatural. Even accomplished New Age believers are able to do levitations and simple mind reading….. Bear with me a few more minutes. Remember mine is but one story. I believe in the supernatural. In fact, I personally have seen and experienced many supernatural beings whom those of other faiths would love to have seen, because to them they are deities.  It’s OK to not believe me. My testimony is that I was supernaturally broken out of extreme cult programming by The One True and Living God, and Him alone. I know Him as Father, as Jesus, and as Holy Spirit. He heard my cries and answered me – directly – not through some mumbo jumbo weird supernatural event. I’d already had thousands of those. No. It was a safe port in the storm. A haven of hope. A voice that I knew despite all the attempts over the years to make me hate Him. He set me free. You see He IS love – agape love. He loves you, even if you’re a perpetrator – even if you’re currently caught in the living hell of Luciferianism. No one is outside of His reach, His salvation, or His rescue. No matter who you are – the curious onlooker, a survivor on a journey to freedom, a naysayer, a person currently trapped by cult or government programming, a perpetrator, or someone who just wants to speak their mind about what’s going on around them, you’re welcome here. I welcome you. Jesus welcomes you. We’re going to take a journey together, and I can guarantee you, it will be supernatural. Whether you believe it or not, being set free is always a supernatural event. The deepest, most resistant inner wounds can be healed, if one understands the supernatural component. I pray that many of you have already experienced this freedom. In future blogs I hope many of you will share some of your own stories.


How can I participate? Can I talk to you privately?

This is a journey among many. I hope lots of you will feel safe to share and ask questions. All comments will be screened before posting simply to avoid and/or warn of triggering content. This needs to be a safe place for all of us. I’ll remind you as we go that comments, questions, stories, art work, poems, etc could be helpful to everyone participating. We’ll talk about a lot of that in future posts.

Yes, you may email me privately by going to the Contact Me page. Remember, I am not a therapist. I/we are also on this journey. If I can help, I will, or I will refer you to other sites.

Most importantly I am here, and hopefully many of you will be here, to intercede for each other in prayer. Prayer can be a make or break event that can catapult the healing process to new levels. So ASK! I WILL pray for you and with you.


So what do you think? Did anything here have meaning for you? Do you agree or disagree? What would you like to see discussed soon? Let me know by leaving a comment below. I look forward to hearing from you.



January 2025